No, your eyes DON'T deceive you! And no, this is NOT an April Fool's Joke. This is an ACTUAL post!!
*okay, while you catch your breath, I will just carry on here*
I know it's been a loooooooooooooooooooong time since I last posted - too long, I know. But here I am now! So yay for that, at least. :)
I have good reasons for being so absent though...
We've moved house - yay!!!! We're out that dump in Sandton, thank the stars and moon, and are in a beautiful place in Sandringham now. It's ideal for us, because the G-Force (Geriatric Force, all the old farts we co-habit with) don't do stairs very well, and there are almost none in the new house - YAY! And there are NO carpets, so it's much healthier for Dad, which rocks. Plus, the flow of the house and the garden, and just... EVERYTHING is Soooooooooooooooo awesome! (*
like a hot dog*)
Here are some photos of our room, which I took about a month ago:

I think it came out pretty damn cool. And it's nowhere near done yet. We have BEEEG plans. I've talked Andy into making a headboard for us, which will begin when we get the fabric, which is BEAUTIFUL!!
Dad's been in hospital twice since I last posted. :( Both times for pneumonia, which sucks, because it means his condition is getting worse and more serious. The doctors have told us that basically time is running out and it's not going to get any better. His hospital visits will get more frequent and more serious, until he eventually doesn't come home. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to process that, and it's been taking a huge toll on me emotionally, but I'm keeping my head up and keeping on keeping on.
It's really hard to see him this ill, and so dependant on us, because he's always been so independant, and so ... ALIVE! It's really difficult to cope with the sudden change into this dependant old man, which he's never been. *sigh* I guess that's what most people go through with their parents, just not at such a young age.
So between that and work, things have been really hectic! Work has been so busy - it's one of the few industries that's picked up in the last few months. But it's because it has to do with hospitality, and with the 2010 Soccer World Cup coming here, I guess we have to get ready. It's made for a pretty hectic few months though.
I'm a little disinterested in everything at the moment though. I think it's because there's been so much going on, and I'm just on "stand-by" mode at the moment, but I know it's also because I'm a little disappointed in some things I had my hopes pinned to. I was hoping for the opportunity to prove myself more at work, and that was declined. I did get an increase though.
Okay, I lied. I'm more than a little disappointed. I'm majorly bummed. I mean, I know you can't always get what you want, but why can't you get it sometimes? *le sigh* I mean, I have every working person's ideal: more money for less work. I just can't help feeling cheated...
But, you know me, right? Always find a good reason for things happening the way they do? So I've decided that the reason for this is so that I can focus on new things: Handbags, for one! Yes, I intend to get this side of my life functional and really moving now that I have more time to get creative. I am not going to go looking for more work now, because it's not going to be appreciated, so I'm going to use any unfilled time during the day to get my mind going.
I'm also going to be doing a make up course soon - hopefully from the end of April.It's gonna be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay awesome when that happens! I'm really super amped about that! :D
So yea, that's about all the newsy-news-ness I have at the moment. My life has been so hectic that I can't even remember half the stuff I meant to blog about. But hey, this is a really good start.
I've been trying to post some more photos, but Blogger and my PC are not on the best of terms at the moment. I'll keep trying, but they may end up being in a separate post.
Hugs and fishes to all!!!