Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Photo Tag

I was tagged by Nadine to do this, so I'll give it a bash.

The challenge is to go to the sixth photo in the sixth folder of your My Documents / My Pictures file, post it, and blog about it.

Here's mine:

This is my 2009 Vision Board. I made it on New Years Day this year, and since I wasn't hungover (veeeeeeeery quiet New Years Eve), the fresh, excited New Year's Juices were flowing like all the wine I didn't drink the night before.

As you can see, I was feeling very bohemian, and was planning for that to continue throughout the year. In some ways, it has been a bohemian year, and in other ways, sooooo not. We've moved again (very gypsy of us), and I've tried really hard to stick to my ideals and values. It's been hard - there have been a lot of challenges so far this year, but I know in my heart and my spirit, my belief in freedom, beauty, truth and love (tell me you didn't just think of Moulin Rouge) has remained strong, and I hope it continues to do so for the rest of 2009 - also known as Two-Thousand-And-Shine!

The board also has a lot of glow in the dark elements, and as it's above my side of the bed, I'm always awash with moon-y glow. :) yay

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